October, you are so beautiful that it hurts. The fog rolling over the morning mountains is hazy and thick, pierced by golden spears of light so delicious that I want to spread it on my toast. Coffee tastes best on October mornings when I can share it with the murmuring memories of ancestors...

It’s been a bit of time since I’ve been around, friends! I have hardly posted anything in a year that wasn’t written by someone else. What a doozy of a solar cycle.
I turned in the manuscript for Artisanal Small-Batch Brewing a year and a few days ago. The book published in early June. I’ve just finished up two months full of workshops, demos, and book signings. I’m pretty whooped, y’all! Life has been a whirlwind between all of that, a full-time job, maintaining hearth and home, and finding time to spend with my partner and baby. I’ve been putting one foot in front of the other for months now to get through a haze of postpartum depression and anxiety, which is lifting, which is how I’m writing to you! The October fog rolled in and my own brain fog rolled out. Phew.
This is a rather personal post that is intended to catch you up and let you know that I am still out here in the wilds, but I do intend to soon publish more posts on Pixie’s Pocket that aren’t just about me. I have an advance copy of the new book by Devon Young of Nitty Gritty Life, The Herbalist’s Healing Kitchen to read and review (pre-order your copy now!), some new mead recipes to post based on the awesome mead workshops and brewing demonstrations this past summer, and some baking and fermented food recipes. Those will be posted soon, as long as my clingy and willful sprite of a toddler will let me have a few minutes to type without her assistance, that is!
Thank you all for your patience, encouragement, and readership during my slow posting seasons! Here’s to a constructive fall for us all, with lots of chances to indulge in beauty and simple pleasures where we may.
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!