Wow…it has been a while since I’ve last checked in! I’ve been traveling from festival to festival, and any time not taken up by traveling, packing, unpacking, repacking or full on festival-ing has been spent caring for my sweet little home and garden. I hope you all are doing well out there, in your…

Wow…it has been a while since I’ve last checked in! I’ve been traveling from festival to festival, and any time not taken up by traveling, packing, unpacking, repacking or full on festival-ing has been spent caring for my sweet little home and garden. I hope you all are doing well out there, in your little corners of the world!
In April, Eric and I were part of the Festival of Legends. This lovely event has been dear to us since it began, and we return every year to lend our efforts to the event management as well as run our tarot reading booth. I love this event because I meet and visit with a few friendly Pixie’s Pocket readers every year (Hi, Donna, Robin, Escher!), which is great, because it proves that you are real people out there and not just figments of my imagination! Yay!
The following weekend, we were off to the mountains with a few close friends (wink) for a Beltane festival, welcoming the warmth of the Spring and the return of vitality. We drummed, danced, laughed, celebrated, and most of all, rebuilt and restored old connections with loved ones. A fitting time, indeed, although I found myself pretty exhausted with the two events back to back! Luckily, we had a weekend “off” between that festival and the next one…
We spent a wet, muddy week in the lovely hills of Virginia, helping to prepare the site and working on a lovely event with lots of lights, music, and fire! This video is one of the most peaceful moments that I experienced. In the immediacy of the moment, I debated pulling out my camera to capture it, but I’m glad that I did.
There’s my holiday snaps, my travel photos! 🙂 Thanks for watching, and don’t worry…now that I’m back, safely ensconced in Pixieland, I have some herbal recipes and more familiar material on the way to you, oh patient people.
Cool Things:
Find me on Instagram! I often get images from my garden and events up there (and sent to FB and Twitter) even when I don’t have time to make a full blog post.
The Irish Store is a site I love to shop, and they are having a Father’s Day sale – get some whisky or food or a nice new sweater on the way for good oul Da! Father’s Day Savings – 5% Off + Free Shipping on orders over $79 – Use Code 5ANDFREESHIP – Valid until Monday 19/06/17
The Herbal Academy is about to launch their annual Five Days of Giveaways on June 5! I’ll be sharing those to my Facebook and Twitter, but you can check in with their blog to see what’s coming up! Free to enter – best of luck!
A special on Craftsy this weekend only! Ready to dive into something new? For three days only, get your hands on these member must-have classes, all yours for under $20!
“Things I Love” are the occasional update posts full of fun stuff I come across on social media, events and workshops I have coming up, and other nifty things that don’t get their own posts.
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Posted In Blog
Tagged: beltane, spring, the festival of legends, things i love
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!