Oh, August…your warm and stormy days are so dear to me. The berries and tomatoes are bursting off of the vines, the warm weather plants are making their final push before harvest, and SOON those dratted mosquitoes will die away. They are BAD at the new place, y’all…but the work we’re putting into the…

Coops, Kennels, and Outbuildings on the new homestead.
Oh, August...your warm and stormy days are so dear to me. The berries and tomatoes are bursting off of the vines, the warm weather plants are making their final push before harvest, and SOON those dratted mosquitoes will die away. They are BAD at the new place, y’all…but the work we’re putting into the yard will eventually pay off. I hope.
To that end, we’ve been chopping back the growth of the wild things in the unattended and unused spaces. While I love a lively hedgerow for yielding native weeds and flowers and keeping a habitat for the local animals, the coops and kennels and outbuildings are seriously overgrown with poke and wineberries. I’ve been spending time clearing out huge piles of those ubiquitous plants, starting with the chicken coop, so we can have it habitable and safe for a few hens come springtime.
I’ve been hard at work on a few exciting projects, some of which are months in the making! Keep posted to the blog and social media, especially if you enjoy cooking with Miso! It goes so far beyond just soup, y’all…just wait and see!
Reminder: The Herbal Academy Back-to-School Sale!
You have until September 18, 2016 to enroll in any of the Herbal Academy courses and save 15% on the class fees! From the family herbalist to the budding entrepreneur, there’s a good course for anyone who wants to strengthen their skills in making herbal medicine.
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!