I’ve been busy so far this spring! The Festival of Legends was fabulous, as always. My love and I set up our tarot tent and read for donations. We were nestled between Madam Tess, who reads palms and is a blast to be around, and Tree of Life Designs, a sweet couple who sell their…

I’ve been busy so far this spring!
The Festival of Legends was fabulous, as always. My love and I set up our tarot tent and read for donations. We were nestled between Madam Tess, who reads palms and is a blast to be around, and Tree of Life Designs, a sweet couple who sell their handcrafted wooden wares, herbal incense blends, and flutes.

Festival of Legends 2016 – Pixie’s Pocket Hearthtenders and The Boss, Jeff
I’d have more pictures of the event, but this year found us taking on new responsibilities with the Festival. Eric maintained the camping area and bonfires, while I ran the kitchen and green room for the performers. What a blast! I had a full kitchen, stove, fridge, freezer…pretty posh compared to the outdoor patio I had grown used to cooking on! No time for taking pictures of the really cool things like jugglers, stilt walkers, dragon riders, knights in armor, faerie children, mermaids, dragon women…*happy sigh*

Festival of Legends 2016 – Pixie’s Pocket is ready to party!
When I wasn’t slinging chili and keeping the coffee hot, I was reading tarot in my booth with my beloved. We LOVE to read at this festival, and it always does my heart good to check in on the folks who get a tarot reading each year. Big hearts and hugs to you few I get to see in person! For the rest of you, don’t forget that I do offer tarot readings online if you need some insights at the crossroads of your life.
In other news, I’ve been working on Forage and Brew, and gearing up to make it a *gulp* real live book. I’m not yet sure if I’m going to pitch it to a publisher or do it myself online, but I know that one way or another my words want to be on paper. Super exciting for me, but it might distract me from blogging for a bit. We’ll see…I’ll try to keep information flowing! On that note, if you are interested in pitching me a guest blog topic, check out my guidelines and drop me a line! I’d rather real content instead of infographic or paid post filler, if you know what I mean.
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Learning Herbs is an excellent resource for herbal education, especially geared towards parents and children. If you’ve got wee ones that you care for who will only eat junk food, they might have some help for you. Check out their video for more!When you sign up, you won’t JUST get the video… You’ll also get their kids herbal cookbook, which features chickweed grilled cheese sandwiches, REAL marshmallows, and more!
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Posted In Blog
Tagged: chitty chat, hearthtender, onesie, personal, the festival of legends
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!