Are you a little rusty on your kitchen knife skills? (pun completely intended) I’m more a diy-er than a gourmand. I’m in the kitchen quite a bit and do most of the cooking in my household. While I merrily chop herbs, roots, meats, and veggies, I’ve never had professional kitchen training. I don’t know all of the proper…

Are you a little rusty on your kitchen knife skills?
(pun completely intended)
I’m more a diy-er than a gourmand. I’m in the kitchen quite a bit and do most of the cooking in my household. While I merrily chop herbs, roots, meats, and veggies, I’ve never had professional kitchen training. I don’t know all of the proper meat cuts or how to cut an apple into a rose. I’ve been kind of making it up as I go along!
However, I’ve recently been invited to be part of a dinner party group. Everyone in the group will gather together and work to create a meal from scratch a few times a year! I’m thrilled to be part of a party like this, but I have to admit that I’m a bit intimidated. Quite a few of these folks are professionally trained chefs and cooks! I want to hone my knife skills before I join them in the kitchen. I’ve been around enough kitchens to know to expect a bit of teasing, but I can only handle but so much ridicule.
I checked in with Craftsy’s cooking skills area, and noticed that they were offering a knife skills video course for free. Once you enroll you gain access to 2+ hours of video instruction, practice sessions, downloadable recipes, and a class forum where you can continue the discussion with other students.
This course is taught by chef Brendan McDermott. In this beginner’s class, he covers every aspect of knife use from choosing knives based on their design and intended purpose, how to best hold the knife for safe and quick chopping, and how to ensure the longevity of your equipment with proper maintenance.
I’ve enjoyed watching the first half of the course and will finish it up soon. Go and give it a try. Or browse the other courses on Craftsy – art, cooking, gardening, sewing, fiber arts…they have a ton to choose from!
(Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Craftsy, which means that I get a small percentage of commission if you choose to purchase anything on their site. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but every little bit I earn helps me to keep Pixiespocket up and running. Thanks for your patience and understanding!)
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Tagged: craftsy, knife skills, promo
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
That dinner party group sounds amazing! I wish I had a big enough kitchen that we could do something like that. Usually everyone just brings stuff over pot luck style. Knife skills are so important both for safety and an easier time in the kitchen!
We have a friend with a big space where events are hosted, so we are lucking out with that. 🙂 I’m pretty excited…thanks for commenting, Nicole!