Look what I got in the mail! I was lucky enough to win a giveaway for a copy of “Maple: 100 sweet and savory recipes featuring pure maple syrup” by Katie Webster from the awesome “Yankee Kitchen ninja” blog. This book is more than just a collection of recipes. There’s resources provided where you can…

Look what I got in the mail!
I was lucky enough to win a giveaway for a copy of “Maple: 100 sweet and savory recipes featuring pure maple syrup” by Katie Webster from the awesome “Yankee Kitchen ninja” blog.
This book is more than just a collection of recipes. There’s resources provided where you can learn everything that you didn’t know about maple. Katie delves into the short and sweet history of sugar making (pun totally intended) for those of use who aren’t from the beautiful yet very cold places pictured in this cookbook. There’s simple and quick guides on how to tap maples for sap and boil it into thick, rich syrup if you want to try it at home! Finally, there’s a slew of fantastic recipes that take you far out of breakfast and into new culinary worlds with savory maple meals like “Smoky and Sweet Turkey Chili” and “Swordfish with Maple Pipèrade.” You can order an ebook or hardcover here!
Other Things I Like (You Might, Too!):
Chestnut School of Herbs is opening a new online Herbal Medicine Making Course.
These lovely folks and their school are located here, around Asheville, North Carolina. The founder of the school is Juliet Blankenspoor. She is in the middle of crafting her first book, called Cultivating Medicinal Herbs; a Guidebook to Growing Healing Plants in the Home Garden. I look forward to August 2016 to get myself a copy…hey, that’s my birthday month! I’ll totally put it on my list.
You can enter to win a free entrance to the Herbal Medicine Making Course by visiting this Facebook post. Good luck!
Speaking of selfish shopping needs, TheIrishStore.com is my online browsing weakness…I could spend hours looking at sweaters, wool cloaks, bottles of golden whisky, baskets of food…and just look at this walking cape! If you want to buy me one, or to buy one for someone you actually know and love, you can save $20 by using AFF20LESS by November 1.
Other than that…
I’ve been working on an ebook (what?!) – tidying up my email newsletters (subscribe below) and learning how to edit video…mwa ha ha…
What are YOU doing? Leave a comment! We’ll chat. 🙂
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Posted In Blog, Book Reviews
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
mmmm maple. that’s all I have to say about it.
Thanks, Justin! I know, right? While I prefer honey to maple as a general sweetener, I have to admit that this book made me look at maple in a new light. Now to try a maple mead…hmm…