“There’s a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” This Leonard Cohen lyric really helped me through a tough patch this summer. Nothing was exactly wrong, but everything just seemed a little harder and my mood hung somewhere between melancholy and razor-edged. You know how sometimes you can feel like there’s nothing you…

“There’s a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” This Leonard Cohen lyric really helped me through a tough patch this summer. Nothing was exactly wrong, but everything just seemed a little harder and my mood hung somewhere between melancholy and razor-edged. You know how sometimes you can feel like there’s nothing you can do that is quite good enough? Yeah, it was like that. But while it is easy to feel broken and scarred, don’t forget that those are the cracks are where the light gets in.

All I need is a grinder and a peck o’apples!
Other than feelings being felt, this summer has been pretty good to me! I’ve been kept busy attending events, officiating a handfasting ceremony, and rearranging our home. Moving the furniture around is fun not only because it confuses the hell out of the dog, but it shows you where you haven’t been vacuuming and you get to find the awesome stuff that you lost behind the couch. It also feels nice to have something new to look at, even if it is comprised of the same old crap that you know and love. Domestic bliss.
My lawn is a foot high, the hedgerow and meadow are very….natural, and the self-sowing herbs are begging to be chopped. I’ve not been gardening a lot this year. Thankfully, I’ve have reaped the benefits of neighbors who plant extra, and have graciously gifted me with tomatoes, cucumbers, and culinary herbs. I tell you – a balsamic-drizzled tomato slice or two can really do the heart good!
In awesome news, I found a used cider press at a thrift store for only $15!!! It needs some love and repair, but I’ll get it into shape by the end of the month so that I can go apple-picking in September and make juice, cider, and who knows what else. I’m kind of beside myself with glee at all of the potential goodies that can come from this useful tool!
Saffron. I’ve been gifted a slew of dried saffron bulbs. I’ll be starting those in pots soon so that by this time next year, I’ll hopefully be able to harvest a few saffron filaments.
So, back to work for me! I’ll have more updates and recipes for you, soon. Be good to yourself! <3
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There’s an end of the summer sale on The Gardening Notebook from the SchneiderPeeps!
Get your copy at a special price:
August 6-15th, 2015 – $5.00
August 16-23, 2015 – $7.00
August 24-31, 2015 – $8.00
No discount code needed!!
This is a custom printable e-book that will help you keep track of everything that is important to your garden! Remember what you planted last year, what sort of rainfall you had, and what kind of crops went where. Even if you are a beginning gardener, this notebook will help you learn what to do in any season, how to find your frost dates, and more! There’s even a slew of blank pages for adding your own information.
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Tagged: cider press, saffron, summer, things i love
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
As I read this, I thought of what my husband (a hospice chaplain) always tells people about their feelings. “Your feelings are proof that you have feelings. That’s all.” Meaning don’t make decisions based on them. I often need to be reminded of this.
What a great cider press! I’m totally jealous.
Thank you, Angi! And bless your husband for doing that job – it is a difficult one, for sure. I used to be numb and depressed as a teenager, and I made it through and reveled in the emotions once they returned. Nowadays, when the downtime hits, I surf the feelings and use them to provide inspiration to create, and other times as inspiration to plop on the bed and watch movies on my laptop. 😉