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Recipe Box: Honeysuckle Infused Sugar

Amber Shehan May 30, 2015

May is rolling out and June is rolling in – wild roses and irises are blooming their last and the berries are starting to form green on the vine! Is the honeysuckle blooming like crazy where you are? It seems to be an extra fragrant, explosive year for those delicious flowers around here in western North Carolina….

Honeysuckle infused Sugar

May is rolling out and June is rolling in – wild roses and irises are blooming their last and the berries are starting to form green on the vine!

Is the honeysuckle blooming like crazy where you are? It seems to be an extra fragrant, explosive year for those delicious flowers around here in western North Carolina.

About a week ago, I spotted the first white flower blooming in the hedgerow that is insistently creeping up my back hill. I went out of town for about five days or so, and I had planned on reaping a magnificent harvest once I returned home. When I finally got ready to pick honeysuckle, all of the bushes I plundered last year had already had their big bloom! I missed it!

I’m certain that I’ll be able to find more flowers around this area, perhaps in a shadier spot than afforded by my yard. That reminds me of another thing that is both wonderful and horrible about honeysuckle…it is a very invasive plant! This means that you get have to harvest the ever-loving hell out of those bushes and put those flowers to use, but after it blooms, chop it back so that it leaves room for native plants to grow!

Here is a simple project with honeysuckle that you can do in under an hour! Get the kids to help!

Honeysuckle Infused Sugar

Pick as many honeysuckle flowers as it takes to fill your chosen jar.

Cover the flowers with sugar.

Cover the jar well to keep buggies out and shake it every now and then.

Strain it in a week or two and you’ll have honeysuckle flavored sugar!

You can use honeysuckle sugar on top of cookies, on the rims of your drink glasses, or anywhere else you desire a delicate flavor of spring sweetness. It can be a real lifesaver in the dearth of winter.

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More Honeysuckle Recipes!

Honeysuckle Jelly from LiveTheOldWay blog

Rose and Honeysuckle Salve (One of three DIY gifts for Mother’s Day gifts) by The Herbal Academy

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Amber Shehan

Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!


  1. […] consider myself to be an advanced infuser o’strange things. I’ve made infused salts, sugars, honey, wine, booze, and vinegar. Even so, Emily’s expertise has taught me a few new tricks […]

  2. Vanilla Coconut Sugar Recipe on February 17, 2016 at 2:12 pm


  3. Casey M on August 18, 2024 at 11:30 am

    Hi there, first time visiting your site as I was searching for a ‘google question’ about honeysuckle and sugar. Im making what I thought to be a ‘decoction’. I’ve done this before with blueberry, cherry and cranberries. Tossing them in sugar, leaving in a dark place glass jar and burping them every day. I have found the following that after 1 month, when mixed with a spoon it is fizzy and bubbles appear, tastes yummy and I could add it to soda water for a soda pop. But at what point does it become alcohol? When is too far and it becomes vinegar? I’m trying this now with the honeysuckle. I’d like a fizzy yummy honeysuckle drink. And wouldn’t mind if it became honeysuckle wine.

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