> I’ve been busy, folks, which means there are infrequent updates and not a lot of blogging time. I have been doing important things, like standing on a beautiful woman lying on a bed of nails! Seriously though – it is a busy busy time of year for me and I’ve got a…

Just another day in the life of a pixie…image by Indulge Images
I’ve been busy, folks, which means there are infrequent updates and not a lot of blogging time. I have been doing important things, like standing on a beautiful woman lying on a bed of nails! Seriously though – it is a busy busy time of year for me and I’ve got a ton on my plate (day job, performances, theater, PLUS gardening and brewing) so please forgive my brief and rare articles for a bit.
In other news, there is apparently a tradition that says that you should plant potatoes on Good Friday. I didn’t know that until just now, but early this morning, I shoved my chitted potatoes in the dirt and gave them a little blessing. Nice to know that I’m right on time! Hopefully, these will fare better than last year’s taters. (update? they didn’t.)
There’s been a whole slew of giveaways lately since I haven’t had a ton of time to write up and share things. There were two happy winners- one with a shiny new Berkey water filter, and the other a WonderMix & Meat Grinder! There’s one more giveaway that I’ve got going on right now, exclusive to Pixie’s Pocket! Read my review and enter to win a set of Acuisina Jumbo Silicon Ice Trays!
In other project news, I found a discounted slab o’salmon at the grocery store – the tail portion, not a ton of meat on it, but enough for me to try to make my first batch of Lox! I just found this recipe for the brined salmon and look forward to giving it a try and stinking up the kitchen!
Finally, don’t forget that you can find me at The Festival of Legends in Chapel Hill, NC, at Storybook Farm. Join us there! April 25th and 26th of 2015 – my husband and I will be reading tarot (and we might have soapwort baby plants, too!).
Otherwhere on the webs:
The EPA is finally cracking down on neonicatinoids, the pesticides that kill bees and other beneficial pollinators. I’m not holding my breath, but it’s a move in the right direction.
Original Art (purchase in my Zazzle shop!):
Check out my most Recent Pins! Here’s a few of my favorites:
I’ll have to get another bottle of whisky so I can make this.
Here’s a tarot joke…
This weekly post is brought to you by Home Grown Food Summit!
This April 6th-12th there is an online gathering of 30+ experts in backyard food production, homesteading, and off-grid living. Presented by the worlds leading researchers, organizations, and best-selling authors to help you become free of supermarkets and drugstores. AND IT IS FREE!!
This is the biggest event for home grown food ever organized online. Sponsored by Mother Earth News, The National Gardening Association, and many more…did I mention it is free?!
Get started growing, or take your skills to the next level, this Summit has something for everyone.
PLUS, you’ll get 4 bonus e-books, just for signing up:
“How Much Land Do You Need To Grow All Of Your Own Food?’
“6 Ways To Keep Chickens and Best One For Your Yard”
“Home Made Shampoo”
“Saving Quality Seeds”
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Posted In Blog
Tagged: networking, original art, spring, the festival of legends, things i love, zazzle
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!