The days have been cold. And warm. And then cold, but then soon after, very warm. The bees and birds are confused, the trees and plants are confused, and I sure am, too. It *is* definitely December so it should not feel quite so March-y! That’s my excuse for not putting up any winter decor,…

The days have been cold. And warm. And then cold, but then soon after, very warm. The bees and birds are confused, the trees and plants are confused, and I sure am, too. It *is* definitely December so it should not feel quite so March-y!
That’s my excuse for not putting up any winter decor, anyways. It feels strange to hang holly and set up the nativity scene with its audience full of tiny pixies and ninjas and such while the windows are open and the sun is warming the house!
Mountain Rose Herbs blog has just put out a lovely herbal wreath tutorial! Made from dried herbs, peppers, and veggies, this gift is meant to be used and enjoyed in a busy kitchen! Pluck a bay leaf to add to a soup, pinch a pepper to crunch into a sauce, or just stand next to it and breathe…yum! There are clever folks at Mountain Rose Herbs!
Myth and Moor is a beautiful site, a site full of stories and cobwebby corners holding magical secrets, mossy rocks with wee scampering pixie feet. If you are like me, with a deep appreciation for food and folklore and the suchlike, you’ll love it, too.
V I L L A G E R S is a really awesome homestead supply store located in West Asheville, and they rock! They host classes, sell beautiful weck jars, cider presses, heirloom seeds, and much more. Best of all, they just launched their online shop! Go take a gander and see if they have something that you need.

Dragon Tree, by Amber Shehan
Otherwhere on the webs:
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GLAM BREAKFAST. I want one of these so badly!
Don’t know what to get your odd, gothic family member for a holiday gift? Edgar Allen Poe Lunchbox.
This weekly post is pleased to feature Homestead Bloggers Network. Need some help with figuring out why your biddies stopped laying eggs or what to do when you lose power? If you know the answers to those questions and are a homestead type yourself, consider joining for free and sharing your knowledge with a supportive and positive community!
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Tagged: dragon tree, links, networking, things i love
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
Great picture of you!! PS. Herb wreaths are the best:)
Thanks, Amber! 🙂 I love the look of herb wreaths but have never made one!
I love that tree! I wonder what made it grow that way? We have some interesting shaped ones near us and I always think about their stories
Alecia, my husband (who I swear is a Legolas-type elven ranger) informs me that trees shaped that way are often found alongside trails, as years ago someone bent down and broke a young tree as a trail marker. Through all that adversity, the tree healed and grew in it’s unique shape! I love trees, and their stories. They just take a long time to listen to!