Regrow your green onions in a windowsill with a bit of water and use them a bit longer, or plant them outside to extend your growing season!

I may never buy onions again!
It has been over a month since I last ordered local, organic veggies from Mother Earth Produce, but in that last box was a bunch of green onions.
As I made dinner one night, I chopped an onion down to the white bulb and stared at it, appraising it. The roots seemed strong and the onion was crunchy and fresh. Inspiration struck me and I stuck it in a tiny glass with a bit of water and left it on the windowsill. Within 24 hours there was new, green growth!
Growing Onions from Scraps is easy!
A few nights later I used another green onion and added it to the glass with the first one, and again, within one day, there was visible growth in the stem.
Now I have a small glass full of onions and all I have to do is change their water every day. Whenever I want a bit of fresh onion greens, I just trim them off as needed.
I’ve begun to experiment with other “scraps” and will let you all know what else works for continuing veggie yields!
Update: After a few days of growth and re-use, the onions start to become tired and a bit bitter. It might be better to get them growing in water with this technique and then plant them in some soil to try to propagate them in a long-term, healthier way!

Mother Earth Produce is an amazing Asheville business that works like a CSA but delivers produce to your door. You can order as often as you wish without having to set up recurring orders or paying a large, upfront fee!
They carry good organic produce, and have local veggies as often as possible but source sustainable organic produce in the “off-season.” They also offer local goodies from other businesses like farm fresh eggs, jellies, honey, hummus, soups, and even meal kits!
20 Vegetables You Can Re-Grow From Scraps – Rural Sprout
Regrow Your Veggies: Growing Vegetables from Roots, Cuttings, and Scraps (CompanionHouse Books) Sustainable Tips, Troubleshooting, & Directions for Lettuce, Potatoes, Ginger, Scallions, Mango, & More by Melissa Raupach, Felix Lill
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Posted In Blog, Canning & Preserving, Gardening
Tagged: cooking, frugal, gardening, kitchen, local business, mother earth produce, onion
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
[…] Growing Onions from Scraps […]
I am going to start growing onions! You can grow celery roughly the same way.