My friend Jona is a poet, and a gentle soul. She is a fox, a giggling child, a serious mother, and a crone laughing at you from the corner of her eyes when you do something silly…and no matter how lost in the minutiae I become, she is always there to remind me to dream,…

My friend Jona is a poet, and a gentle soul. She is a fox, a giggling child, a serious mother, and a crone laughing at you from the corner of her eyes when you do something silly…and no matter how lost in the minutiae I become, she is always there to remind me to dream, to feel, and to flow. She inspires me.
This is one of her poems, and it is a beautiful conversation with the Elder plant. (Originally posted here)
the Elders
“why must this hurt so much–
the attachment to soil, solids, souls?
the need and nature to keep growing
deep into the darkness
depth that expands,
almost commands
this slow journey inward.” they answered
“attachment is natural,
it’s what keeps you grounded
the lesson is learning how to Love
without attachment to the product or end result.”I asked the Elder-stems
“why must what supports us
also be poisonous?
why can what is designed to hold us up
also hurt others without knowing?
how can this holding
become a crutch,
a destructive one?” they answered
“there is strength in drinking poison,
in understanding personal prisons.
for the darkness within
holds you up
and brings you closer to the Light.
just be careful how long you choose to dwell inside
harmful-habits, they can also lead you astray”I asked the Elder-flowers
“why only spring brings layers of white lace,
why is it only then that these five petaled beauties
finally show their shy faces?”they answered
“to wait patiently is an art,
and certain magic only happens
when all the elements are in favor of its opening.
try, if you can, try even if it hurts
for there is Beauty in trying,
Beauty you may even be able to touch”I asked the Elder-berries
“how can sweetness
pressed from purple stained lips
only be enjoyed through the struggle
of uncomfortable change?”they answered”only through
and trying-patience,
can the sweetness of the struggle
be truly understood.
learning to appreciate the process
of finding our Selves
through changing our Selves
is what it means to be an Elder.
but, Dear-Heart,
we are sorry that
you aren’t quite there yet.
but don’t worry
one day, you will be.
and we will greet you
when you do.”

Elderberry Flower II Greeting Card by BackyardNaturePhotos
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Tagged: creativity, elder, intuition, plant energetics, poetry, spirit
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!