Every evening when I get home, Eric and I open a beer and get the chicken scraps together and head down to give her a snack and check the lower lot berry brambles, catnip, mint, and wormwood. We’ll take a minute to check the compost or clean out the coop if needed, and hang out…

Every evening when I get home, Eric and I open a beer and get the chicken scraps together and head down to give her a snack and check the lower lot berry brambles, catnip, mint, and wormwood. We’ll take a minute to check the compost or clean out the coop if needed, and hang out until the mosquitoes are too much to bear.
Angel the Cashmere goat, who lives next door, begs for more honeysuckle. She and her family merrily consume the tons of honeysuckle that I fling over their fence, which is handy. That stuff is seriously invasive!
I was trying to get a picture of the tomato plant that Bok is growing in her run, but she’s a photo hog (who also likes to peck cameras).
Catnip is in bloom. I’ve been harvesting it like mad, and it grows to replace the cuttings within 24 hours, I swear it. There was a little honey bee harvesting from the ‘nip, and I went behind her to pick the stems that she’d already visited.
Rain on the tip of a blackberry. Fairy wine in the making?
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!