I’m tender-hearted today from spending last night with my Dead folks. As we do every year for Halloween and Day of the Dead, Eric and I tended to our ancestor altar, remembered out loud the names, lineage, and tales of our beloved dead, and drank a beer with them. I remember Paul Canon, Catfish, Daddy. …

Catfish and Catfish, Jr. circa 1990.
I’m tender-hearted today from spending last night with my Dead folks.
As we do every year for Halloween and Day of the Dead, Eric and I tended to our ancestor altar, remembered out loud the names, lineage, and tales of our beloved dead, and drank a beer with them.
I remember Paul Canon, Catfish, Daddy. Wild spirit, poet soul, nature boy, party animal!
I remember Richard Stanley Canon, Grandfather. Singer, Bostonian, goofball, charismatic, loving.
I remember Richard Thomas Greene, Grandfather. Singer, Irish & Iroquois, New-Yorker, red-cheeked, laughing, flowing, loving.
I remember Ruby Edwards, Great-Grandmother, Nanny.
I remember those who I knew only as a small child, and saw standing in my room glowing, after they passed, loving them without fear.
I remember Enkil, Rosanna, Bandit, Spider, Kitty, Gomez…furry four-legged loved ones whose lives trot out so much more quickly than our average span.
I remember many and more. I honor and respect those who have come to make me be here now. I honor and respect those who came to make Eric who he is now. I honor and respect them as people, for their good and their bad, their humanity.
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!