We’ve been infested with imps, lately…long-fingered, big nosed, kite-eared giggling troublemakers who press their faces to the cold glass and leave ugly prints! Sometimes they aren’t so bad, and they sure do know how to party…but when you least expect it, BAM! The butter’s spoiled, or the wine has turned to vinegar, or a joyous…

We’ve been infested with imps, lately…long-fingered, big nosed, kite-eared giggling troublemakers who press their faces to the cold glass and leave ugly prints!
Sometimes they aren’t so bad, and they sure do know how to party…but when you least expect it, BAM! The butter’s spoiled, or the wine has turned to vinegar, or a joyous mood is deflated in milliseconds for no real reason. Cranky, Creaky, and Cold – triplets of minor annoyances and mediocre malevolence.
I blame winter. Winter drives all sorts of things indoors, out of the cold, out of the wet. This rocky ground radiates the chill like a slow, nauseous vibration up through your shoes and up your legbones.
So, too much coffee and copious amounts of hot tea have made it good thus far. I also made a new honey that seemed to help a bit – Ginger and Ashwaganda! I’ll talk more about that one later, since I’m all out at the moment.
I’m pulling up a blanket and pouring some more warm coffee into my cup, and snuggling with my dear one. I hope Cranky, Creaky, and Cold keep themselves out of your home!
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!