Blog, Herbal Recipes, Herbalism, Recipe Box, Sweet Stuff Recipes
Pixie’s Pocket Spotlight: Sister Health Honey
Amber Shehan • September 17, 2009
Now, you might find yourself asking ‘Sister Health…Honey?? What could she mean by that?’ I know a lot of people wonder about me and my yard-nibbling ways. There are many who believe that health is something that can only be delivered by pills or white coated people who speak a little Latin. Well, phooey! Western medicine…

Now, you might find yourself asking ‘Sister Health…Honey?? What could she mean by that?’
I know a lot of people wonder about me and my yard-nibbling ways. There are many who believe that health is something that can only be delivered by pills or white coated people who speak a little Latin.
Well, phooey! Western medicine is useful at times, but it is not the ultimate definition of health. To me, health is wholeness, comfort, and vitality.
Health is a spoonful of honey every morning on your yogurt, or in a cup of tea at night! This is just a mellow, easy way of adding herbal allies into a daily diet…plus it is honey. I mean, really, the only way to make this whole thing better is to make it into a cordial with a nice brandy, but I can’t sell you that without having to pay off a lot of local and federal law enforcement. But I digress.
So what is Sister Health Honey?
Sister Health Honey is an infused honey, also known as an electuary. You can learn more about electuaries here, but it is basically just honey infused with herbs.
To make it, just start off with local honey (as raw as you can get it!) and gently infuse it the following herbs:
Raspberry Leaf: This sister ally is full of Vitamins C and E, as well as some A and B, phosphorous, potassium, and calcium. It serves as a gentle astringent, which soothes inflammation, and tightens skin and muscle tissue, thereby acting as a uterine tonic to help reduce painful cramps.
Chaste Tree Seeds: (aka Vitex) This is a tonic herb for the female reproductive system, and it can be very effective in defusing that terrible PMS temper. The compounds in it work on the pituitary gland and opiate receptors. It tends to help regulate hormonal flow and the timing of periods (I can testify to that!)
Nettles: This ally is a strong diuretic (Can you say “bye bye, bloating?”) and it is high in iron, helps stop excessive bleeding, and serves as a kidney and blood cleanser
Motherwort: Ah, she holds you close to her bosom while you cry. She also nurtures you with Vitamin A, serves as a uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, and eases gas and cramping pains.
Chamomile: Sweet for both flavor and for encouraging relaxation, she can really help take the edge off of pain and stress. It also serves as a cramp-soother and mild sedative.
When I make Sister Health Honey, I do not fully strain the herbs out, but they are ground to make it easier on the palate. Give it a good stir before you eat! Try adding a spoonful to hot water or milk for a sweet treat, or smear on toast with some almond butter for a restorative snack during your moontime.
I find THIS honey to be most effective when taken by the spoonful – preferably drizzling onto your tongue while you lay in a bathtub of bubbles with lovely young things fanning you with palm leaves – but that’s just my personal preference. Don’t let your moontime bog you down – nurture yourself!
Check to see if I have any in stock right now!
Learn to make your own infused honey and electuaries!
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Posted In Blog, Herbal Recipes, Herbalism, Recipe Box, Sweet Stuff Recipes
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
[…] by Amber Pixi | posted in: Blog | 0 Here’s a lovely, dark electuary of herbs for women’s health. […]
I like your sister health honey a lot and I am really intrigued as I suffer from quite a bit of monthly pain etc during my moontime. Can you give me an indication of what amounts you use of each herb in relation to honey and if you heat the honey for infusion? I really want to try it.
I might add some basil as well, which helps to calm nerves and also softens cramps. It works well in a tea which I make with motherwort and chamomile.
Many thanks.
Hello Viviane! Here’s my post on making electuaries/herbed honey:
I’m so bad at measurements…but for 4 cups of honey, I’d do one heaping handful of red raspberry leaf, a teaspoon or so of ground vitex berries, and a small handful of chamomile, half a handful of motherwort and nettles. Does that make sense? Do it however you think will work best for you! 😀
I do hope it helps you! Enjoy making and using the honey, I know I do. 🙂
Thank you, that makes sense. I will give it a shot if I can hunt up all the herbs as I only have some in my own stash. I had not heard of Vitex before but have been doing some research now. What a cool plant.
You should way your handful every once in a while. 😉 I’d love to know as it will obviously vary with the user. Do you leave it to infuse for 2 weeks as well before use or do you have it sooner?
I am making your lemon honey at the moment and it is coming on well. Once that works I shall try it with some clementines and oranges thrown in. I made home made cough syrup with it before but not honey. Love the recipes.
Thanks for your patience in waiting for a response, Viviane! As far as time goes, I like to give the honey a week or two to meld, but to be honest, I’ve used it right away to good effect. The longer you have it, the stronger it gets.
Enjoy the lemon honey! I just did a small jar of lemon and limes…so good! 🙂