
Yarrow for Fever and Flu

Yarrow for Fever and Flu It seems rather innocuous, this lovely white flower, but yarrow has earned many expressive titles: staunchwort, wound wort, nosebleed, knight’s...

Herbs to Prevent and Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Ouch. Uh-oh. I know that small, pinching burning pain. I've felt that before. If you've ever had to live with urinary tract infections, that small...

Hedgerow Jelly: a recipe from the wild places

What is a hedgerow? In the cultured, organized sense, it is meant to be a barrier of trees and shrubs planted to mark boundary lines...

Ask A Pixie: #1- Onions and Plantain

Howdy, folks! I've been getting lots of reader questions and comments sent to my inbox, and so I'm beginning a new feature called "Ask A...

Let’s Talk About Tinctures, Elixirs, and Cordials

My apothecary is packed tight with jars and those jars are full of strange floating herbal bits in colored liquid, waiting for their time to...

2011 Autumn Herb Exchange

Pardon my lack of writing, but I've been recovering from my vacation.  I didn't overexert myself, but I have been so happy and relaxed, that a...

A Pixies Pocket Honey Giveaway!

Thank You, dear readers! As many of you may realize,  I have been moving my infused honey shop from it's longtime home at Etsy to...

May and June 2011 Growing Update…

Lavender in May, Image by MSP Ok, so we put our tomatoes out way too early...but we were given leggy tomato...

Circle and Circle and Circles again…

What a month it has been...camping, festivals, dear friends visiting my home and looking to put down roots in these sweet mountains.  There's been patterns...

What’s Coming Up in my Garden?

Spring is close...everyone that I see is big-footed and falling over themselves in a state of twitterpation. We had a lovely, loud rolling thunderstorm last...

October marches in…

Cold and windy, dark and ominous, October is marching in, leaving muddy tracks on my carpet to mix with the windblown leaves. I've been away...

Learning about Native Appalachian Plants and Herbs

Amber by Modern Scribe Photography Howdy, everyone...I hope Spring's been keeping you as joyfully busy as it's been keeping me! Between...