Waste Not, Want Not: Freezing Scraps for Stock
There is nothing quite like good soup stock. When I first learned how to make a proper stock, it was a turning point in my...
My Favorite No-Knead Bread Recipe
This year I gave myself a birthday gift, something that I've always wanted: a big, blue Dutch oven. The enameled cast iron pots have been...
Earl Grey Pear Butter [Small Batch Recipe]
Every year, I'm lucky enough to glean a grocery bag or two of pears from a friend's old trees, so pear recipes have become a...
Strawberry & Lemon Balm Mead – One Gallon Recipe
Nothing quite announces "Summer is here!" like white gallon buckets and baskets of strawberries that pop up at farm markets and roadside stands in early...
Gentle, Nourishing Tea Blend (Pregnancy-Safe)
Despite my naive expectations for what I thought my pregnancy experience would be like - excited, healthy smoothies, drinking tea, eating nutritious food - I...
Taste of home: create your own foraged spice blend
What does your home taste like? What is the terroir of your territory? The plants, herbs, trees, and fruits that you grow can yield a...
Herbal Hot Toddy [with Mint-Infused Bourbon]
A traditional Hot Toddy only takes a few ingredients: whiskey, honey, water, and lemon. It is simple, but it's good to have a simple recipe...
Elderflower & Lemon Cordial Recipe (The Boozy American Kind!)
The summer solstice brought many things alive in the garden, plants I'd been waiting to see bloom to know that summer was truly upon us...
Eggless Cake Ideas to Inspire
[wpsm_quote author="Amber Pixie" float="right" width="10"]I have chickens and so an abundance of eggs, but Craig from CakeJournal has taught me something new with many of...
Aussie Pavlova: a Gluten & Dairy-Free Recipe
Organizing huge dinners is a pretty big deal in my family. Most of the time I’m just in a crazy rush to get somewhere or...
Garlic Mustard Pesto Recipe – guilt-free foraging
Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is out and about in my corner of North Carolina. This early summertime plant is lush, green, and easy to pull...
Care for Wild Birds in Winter: Tips, Tricks, and DIY Recipes
Birds are awesome wild creatures to have around. I've been working hard to encourage a healthy habitat for birds in our yard because they sing...
Cherry Cordial: Dark, Sweet, and Delicious!
When cherries went on sale this year, I grabbed as many as possible and set to work on making all sorts of goodies! Eric and...
Make your own Ginger Wine: One Gallon Recipe
Ginger is such a wonderful spice, and one of my favorites. It's a great healer, and its heat is just so enjoyable! I've never been...