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Blackberry Fizz on

I made Blackberry Fizz!

I was just tidying my apothecary, and while doing so, I re-discovered an experiment that I’d completely forgotten about…and boy, am I glad I did! A month ago, I made a batch of blackberry mead from the last bit of the blackberries I picked and froze this past summer. After the berries and honey were bubbling…

Spelunking 101 and Plant Identification Help

Here is a photo post for y’all to enjoy…they don’t capture the reality of the smell of the leaves, the sound of the rushing stream nearby, the dripping of the rain onto the fallen leaves, or the giggling of my dear Eric and myself, but I’m pretty proud.  You see, the photo-genius behind Modern Scribe…

WNC Farm Profiles: Hickory Nut Gap Meats

Pepperoni.  Hot Sopressata.  Sweet Sopressata.  I keep trying to get a picture of these amazing meats for you all, but it’s been impossible. Every Saturday, I go to the Woodfin YMCA market.  Every Saturday, I come home with some cured meat product or another from Hickory Nut Gap, and place it on the counter, and…

Book Review: The New American Herbal by Stephen Orr

When I got my hands on a copy of The New American Herbal by Stephen Orr, I was pretty excited. There’s been a sharp increase in shared cultural herbal knowledge through the internet and increased globalization in recent decades that has expanded the world of herbs that are available in common grocery stores and herbal shops in…

Book Review: The Nourished Kitchen by Jennifer McGruther

One of the most recent books that’s found its way to my doorstep was the lovely The Nourished Kitchen by Jennifer McGruther. I totally did a little happy dance when it arrived, too!  I’ve been following The Nourished Kitchen site for a few years now and was quite pleased to see such a lovely compilation of…

Tree Identification – North Carolina Conifer (Solved!)

Update: This North Carolina Conifer has been successfully identified as a Colorado Blue Spruce by the awesome folks at Botany Everyday! There is a beautiful beast of a tree in my back yard here in Western North Carolina.  It towers above the basketball post that we dug out of the honeysuckle (along with the 20+ foot…

Giveaway: Homestead Cooking with Carol (now in print!)

Do you remember when I received an ebook copy of “Homestead Cooking with Carol: Bountiful Make-ahead Meals” by Carol J. Alexander and wrote a review? I really did enjoy that book.   Even though I don’t consider myself a newbie at food preparation and preserving techniques, “Homestead Cooking with Carol” definitely taught me where some of my weak spots in food preparation…


Wildcrafting Game for Kids!

[columns] [span8] Wildcrafting is a great skill to have – knowing how to identify and use medicinal herbs is so useful for someone of any age.  Why not get started early?  Make this knowledge available to kids so they have a strong foundation to grow from! For this reason, I’ve been eyeballing the Wildcrafting game…

Farewell, Bok the Chicken.

My sweet love had to put down our last chicken today; the poor biddy was sick and dying and he wanted to shorten her pain. He spoke her a sweet eulogy: “Rest in peace, Bok. All life is made new. All life is forever. Now feed the grandchildren of the worms you ate. Feed the…

May and June 2011 Growing Update…

Ok, so we put our tomatoes out way too early…but we were given leggy tomato starts early in the season, and they just couldn’t make it indoors anymore! Unfortunately, only the 2 Oregon Spring tomatoes look like they’ll do anything – the 3 remaining are miserable, and we already lost one of the Cherokee Purples.…


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