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off the shelf, book by attainable sustainable

Book Review + Recipe: Off The Shelf: Homemade Alternatives to the Condiments, Toppings, and Snacks You Love

Are you familiar with Attainable Sustainable? After realizing that her friends were asking her questions about composting, gardening, chickens and the life because she grew up on a farm, Kris Bordessa created Attainable Sustainable with the hope that sharing her experiences with sustainable living techniques will inspire others who want to go down that path as…

Things I Love: Oh, those summer nights…

The #larder has things in it! Not yet as much as I’d like, but we’ll get there! #jellies, #jams, #homemade vinegars, and onions curing. #pixiespocket #homegrown #pantry #cheapwine A post shared by Amber Shehan (@amberpixiespocket) on Aug 12, 2017 at 1:15pm PDT Oh, August…sweet, sultry month of my birth! I am given gifts every day.…

Pamper Yourself with Facial Treatments Made with Food

guest post by John Pitt A basic facial treatment can set you back from $80 to $150. Throw in some special serums or eye treatment, and it becomes even more expensive. But the cost is not only the only issue here. You also wouldn’t know what exactly the spa therapist is putting on your face. The only…

World’s Best Hunting Dog

Eric and I often sit outside in the evening and read, or drink a beer together and catch up on the events of our day. Our pup Sandy loves it when we’re outdoors, and she roots around the briars and hedgerows, snorts into the dirt and rolls around on the sun-warmed clay dirt. Frisbee is…

miso mushroom noodle soup: from and miso master miso! (giveaway valid through March 10, 2017)

Miso Mushroom Noodle Soup: Recipe and Miso Master Miso Giveaway!

The flu and cold season has been running rampant through our area lately. Many of our dear friends have been sniffling and coughing, and despite our applications of Echinacea tincture and good vitamins, our household managed to catch a round of the ick. Luckily, I didn’t get fully hit with the cold, so I was still…

cherry wine

Cherry Wine – One Gallon Recipe

The day I have been waiting for finally came…my local grocery store had bags of beautiful, sweet red cherries on sale! Normally $6.98/lb or so, the bags of beautiful scarlet globes were reduced by half for a limited time. I grabbed two bags, which gave me just around 4-5 pounds of cherries to play with.…

Pixie’s Pocket Workshop at Harvest Homecoming in August 2017

Last year I taught a fermentation workshop at the Harvest Homecoming festival at Cerren Ered in Tennessee, and they liked it so much that they are letting me do it again! For 2016, we got together and each created our own jar of sauerkraut. This year, we’ll make sure there are more varieties of spices…

Creating cordials – preserving memories as well as the harvest

A few times every year, on the equinox and solstice, at Beltane and at Samhain, I gather with my like-minded friends and family and raise a ruckus and a big bonfire. When we gather around the fire to drum, to dance, and to celebrate, we share our abundance at the drum altar. These altars take…

Delicious H2PRO Smoothie!

H2PRO Probiotics + Vitamins: Recipe, Review and Giveaway!

Giveaway is over! H2PRO is awesome! As I’ve talked about before, I’ve had chronic candida issues for a good while, and I keep it under control by minimizing my sugar intake, eating live foods and taking probiotics. One issue that I’ve had with probiotic supplements is that you are supposed to keep them cold to…

Things I Love: Summer Storms

Hello, everyone! I hope your summer is just as joyful and busy as my own. I’ve been white water kayaking (WHEEE!) and camping and performed in a few shows, and that’s kept me happy but exhausted. Our houseguests just left and our house is again quiet and peaceful, and I can let my introverted self…


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