
When you don’t know what to do…

Take a seed and find it a home. It can be planted directly in the soil but also anything that will hold dirt - an...

How to Host a Seed Swap

It is not quite spring now - in fact, it's frigid outside as we shiver through an arctic blast here in western North Carolina. The...

Sowing Seeds & Growing Community

I've been indulging in one of my favorite winter activities - dreaming of spring and planning the garden. Proper winter hasn't arrived yet, but I've...

Bread Mania

Lately, I have been depressed. It is hard to get out of bed some days. To do something as simple and gratifying as taking a...

Earl Grey Pear Butter [Small Batch Recipe]

Every year, I'm lucky enough to glean a grocery bag or two of pears from a friend's old trees, so pear recipes have become a...

October wakes with a golden fog

It's been a bit of time since I've been around, friends! I have hardly posted anything in a year that wasn't written by someone else....

What do you do with too much mint?

When beginner herbalists ask me what herb they should start off trying to grow, I suggest good, old peppermint. Mint is easy to grow. It...

Five herbal tea blends you can make + DIY Tea Bags

Once you start to build your apothecary of herbs, you can start experimenting with mixing them together to make tea blends. Don't be scared to...

Bacon Fat Gingersnaps [and Honey Cream Cheese Dip]

Thanksgiving is synonymous with turkey and mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and (shudder) green bean casserole, but in my household, it always means the annual appearance...

I’ll be teaching at the Good Medicine Confluence 2019!

I'm finally heading west to play with the fae folk and plant people! It is official - I'm teaching a few classes at the 10th...

The sun peeks through the clouds, so once more into the fray…

This morning I woke up and stared at the ceiling in the glow of the dawning light, feeling a peace settling into the jangly spaces...

Things I Love – Finding Balance

Between the book-writing and the baby, I feel blessed with abundance but that is concurrent with a lack of sleep and time in which to...

Artisan Spotlight: N’Delamiko Bey of Keffigal Waistbeads

This artisan spotlight focuses on N'Delamiko Bey, the creatrix behind Keffigal Waistbeads (as well as a few other ventures, this lady is busy!). When we...

Elderflower & Lemon Cordial Recipe (The Boozy American Kind!)

The summer solstice brought many things alive in the garden, plants I'd been waiting to see bloom to know that summer was truly upon us...

My happy place (the birth story)

Alia Mielle emerged on June 6, 2018, after a very long labor. For 36 hours she and I rode the intense waves of contractions together,...