Hello everyone. I hope you all have been doing reasonably well despite all of the reasons to not be well lately…violence, anger, pain, suffering is everywhere and we are most of us attached to a flowing stream of information that feeds it to us in a steady drip. One of the things that I do…

Hello everyone. I hope you all have been doing reasonably well despite all of the reasons to not be well lately…violence, anger, pain, suffering is everywhere and we are most of us attached to a flowing stream of information that feeds it to us in a steady drip.
One of the things that I do when I’m not working, typing, or making booze is Holding Space. I offer that service in a volunteer capacity at festivals or events where there might be overwhelming experiences, like at music festivals or Burns, but it’s honestly a part of my life and I am “on duty” 24/7.
Empathy is a strength when it comes to being there for people who might be in a non-verbal state due to anxiety, disorientation, or even various levels of inebriation. Holding space basically means just being a solid person who is available on a non-judgemental level, who can offer support through providing basic needs (food, water, sleep), a friendly distraction (let’s go on a walk, or color this mandala, or stare at the ripples on the water together), or a listening ear and shoulder to cry on. I’ve been prone to doing those things my whole life, and now it is part of my self-definition.
Even though I hold that space for others because it is what I do naturally, there is also a deep need that I have for that space to be held for me. I understand what it is like to be overwhelmed, to be anxious, to be shaking in tears at 2am for *no real reason,* unable to call out for help. I have had to duck out of crowds into the comfort of a copse of trees and close my eyes and breathe deeply until the world stops spinning and the noises return to their normal dull roar and I can again try to navigate this overwhelming experience called life.
So if I’ve been a bit quiet lately, bear with me. Sometimes the noise is too much, and the feelings are so big, that I have to duck away. But you know what? The one thing that gets me out of my own pit of despair is hearing a cry of help from someone else. If you need me, reach out. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. (preferably online because I’m really creeped out by phones. Don’t ask.) Tweet me (@pixiespocket) or email me ([email protected]) or whatever…I don’t have all the answers, but I do have an ear. And a heart. And you are not alone. <3
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Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
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I love you. You are awesome!
Right back at you, you wonderful woman! <3
This right here is perfect for today, for all the pain and grief and anger and hurt and confusion saturating the world.
Thank you for holding space. And if you ever need me to hold space for you, just let me know. We’re in this together, friend.