Blog, News and Announcements
I’ll be teaching at the Good Medicine Confluence 2019!
Amber Shehan • November 1, 2018
I’m finally heading west to play with the fae folk and plant people! It is official – I’m teaching a few classes at the 10th anniversary of the Good Medicine Confluence: Healing Arts & Pleasure Faire this May 2019, in Durango, Colorado. How could I refuse to teach at an event with the following mission statement for…

I’m finally heading west to play with the fae folk and plant people!
It is official – I’m teaching a few classes at the 10th anniversary of the Good Medicine Confluence: Healing Arts & Pleasure Faire this May 2019, in Durango, Colorado. How could I refuse to teach at an event with the following mission statement for the coming year?
We are determined to help put some Fae and Fun back into serious herbalism in these sobering times!
I’ve never been west of the Mississippi, and I’m very excited to not only visit a new place but to meet people who have been my friends through the aether and webs since the early 2000s (shout out to ye olde Susun Weed forums, may you rest in 1s and 0s).
On top of those pleasures, the Confluence itself is something not to be missed if you are interested in bioregional herbalism, grassroots healing, and geeking out with people who talk to plants!
You can learn more from their website:
I have two tickets to the Confluence for sale as of January 1, 2019: first come, first serve!
I’ll be facilitating three classes:
Sacred Brewing & Mythological Meads: A story-telling and discussion circle where we explore the history of humanity and alcohol. From honey-lore to sacred beer recipes sung to Goddesses to tricksters stealing boozy brews to share with the rest of the world, we have a heady and passionate relationship with alcoholic beverages.
Infuse With Booze: Bitter & Cordials Making 101: A hands-on workshop that allows you to create your own concoction. Blend your own bitters or cordial from the ingredients on hand so that you have a lovely herbal bitter or sweet cordial to take home and tipple later on.
Providing Sanctuary: Space For Grieving & Celebration in Times of Chaos: Eric and I will work together to share this class based on our experiences holding Sanctuary at both large festivals and smaller, more intimate groups. A discussion and exploration of techniques to help each other handle the rollercoaster of intense experiences.
Here’s the full class description list. It is overwhelming and amazing, and I’m sad that I don’t have a time-turner so that I can’t take all of the classes I want to!
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Posted In Blog, News and Announcements
Tagged: 2019, events, gathering, good medicine confluence, workshop
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!