Do you love a rustic look for the holidays? Use garden pots, sticks, and simple household items to make cute decorations for your yard and garden.

Sometimes I have the hardest time getting ready for the HollyDaze. Lately, it has been unseasonably warm, up to 70 degrees! It felt wrong to haul out the boxes of holiday decor and hang up icicle ornaments. My bulbs are coming up, my saffron is blooming, and the birds are terribly confused. What kind of a December is this?!
My household celebrates the season by acknowledging the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the longest night. Despite being in shorts and tank tops, we put up our tacky fake tree (my love has pine allergies) and covered it with ornaments, each of them with their own meaning and history. We don’t go for consistency and perfection with our decorations. No magazines will come to take pictures of our home. Thank goodness.
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I spent a few years being bitter about the Christmas season. I was a Grinch, happy in my sullen nature. These days, I find more joy in the process. I no longer feel like a big dork for having fun while decorating and putting up a tree – the difference was that my love and I were creating our OWN traditions, not just doing what everyone else does. I’m not fond of empty motions and hollow actions. Now that we have our own ways and our own meaning of the season, it is much easier to just enjoy ourselves and other people’s celebrations, even if they are different from our own!
Now, while the inside of our home is oddly festive, we don’t have much going on outdoors. I’m grateful to for sharing this clever infographic of DIY holiday decor for the garden.
DIY Holiday Decor for the Garden
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Tagged: crafting, december, diy, DIY projects, garden, gardening, holidays, hollydaze, infographic, primrose uk, winter, winter solstice
Amber Shehan
Hi! I'm Amber Pixie, and this is my site. Enjoy the recipes, information, posts, and please feel free to message me if you have questions!
I think the glass jar lanterns are my favorite, probably because we have SO many empty glass jars in our house as we start using our canned goods 😉
Ha, I thought the same thing! I also like the very simple buckets of greenery and lights. It’s funny, we ran out of lights for the tree, and I asked my love if we should get some more. He looked around the house and started giggling. I have Christmas lights up all year round indoors as my regular lighting…*laughs*
I love the picket fence snowmen. That would be so cute down my driveway.